«Attention!!! We do not work in Moscow, and Russia in general, if someone works on our behalf, they are scammers»
Beware of fake profiles on Telegram. All exchanges take place only through online chat and through an application on the site.

OTP Bank Bitcoin (BTC) Exchange

You can exchange Bitcoin to OTP Bank in Ukraine quickly and without extra effort. Our site will help both beginners and professionals with online exchange.

Every day, cryptocurrencies set new trends for the economy of our country.

It follows that people need a trusted online exchange where the customer is the greatest value.

Our team is constantly working to improve the service.

OTP Bank is a small but friendly financial structure. Having in its arsenal all the necessary services for opening sets and plastic cards in different currencies.

Why do clients return to us?

Our team is constantly looking for new solutions to improve the exchange and its speed.

For us, the client is always the most valuable asset.

The mission of our online service is long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.


Where to exchange Bitcoin (BTC) for OTP Bank in Ukraine?

You can exchange Bitcoin for OTP Bank hryvnia or in another currency on our online platform 001k.exchange

What banks besides OTP Ukraine are in our exchange system?

Our online cryptocurrency exchange service provides exchange to almost all banks in Ukraine. If you do not find the direction you need, please contact support.

How to sell BTC on OTP Bank

Everything is extremely simple, choose the direction and amount, then enter the data and follow the prompts to make an exchange to OTP Bank.

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